Dental Crowns in Lacombe

Using the latest dental technologies and procedures, our dentists always look to provide patients with the most natural, seamless dental crowns possible that blend perfectly with your natural smile.


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dental crown, often known as a cap, is a covering that is used to completely encapsulate a damaged tooth for either functional or aesthetic purposes. It can improve the form, alignment, and look of teeth in addition to fortifying a badly decaying tooth. Crowns are routinely used to reinforce teeth that have had root canal therapy because they might become brittle and fractured. They can also be used to treat big, irritating fillings, aging teeth, poor bite owing to prolonged grinding, and dental implant treatments to replace missing teeth.

A bridge, as opposed to a cap, replaces a missing tooth. It is secured, or “bridged,” between two existing teeth. You’ll be able to chew food without worrying about a gap or sensitive area, and your words will flow and sound as effortlessly as they always did. Chewing is the initial stage of digestion and is essential for our daily wellbeing.

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Reasons You May Need A Crown

Scheduled to see a dentist at Lacombe Smiles Dental about dental crowns and bridges?

  • Chipped or broken teeth

  • A dental implant that requires a new crown or cap

  • To correct misshapen teeth

  • To cover a stained or discolored tooth

  • To protect a weak tooth following surgery

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Lacombe Smiles Dental has established a reputation for patient-focused dental services in Lacombe and throughout the surrounding community. We love helping our patients achieve radiant smiles and restoring confidence to their lives.

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